How vs. Do

Victor Frankl, in his book Man’s Search for Meaning, stated that “he who has a great enough why, can deal with any how”. I have found that we tend to want to figure out the “how” before taking action.

When there is a great enough urgency and importance, real or perceived, we have the ability to simply take action. Similar to touching a hot stove.  Most folks would not need to have a plan on how to remove their hand to relieve the pain.  The pain level is great enough they simply take action!

We have the ability, through the use of our active imagination, to leverage the motivating factors of pain and pleasure.  When my perception of pain is great enough, I am fueled for action. When my “Why”, my purpose or reasons for taking action, are compelling enough, it creates a fire to light the fuel connected to the pain.  The result? ACTION!

Now I am not saying to never make a plan. I AM saying, even plans without action are of little use. If you focus on your “Why”, and increase the level of pain associated with not following through and pleasure for following through, you have a formula for action…for doing!

There is a reason you have greatness in you! There is a business in you, a work of art in you, the ability to reach others to share and help in you…there is a BIG dream in you. Tell me…when is NOW a good time to press inward in order to propel outward the accomplishments you dream of? Well OK…then let’s wake up and MAKE those dreams happen!

Decide, that TODAY, you will take at least one action toward the fulfillment of those dreams. One action before your head hits the pillow! Make the phone call, schedule the meeting, start the business, clean out and set up the office, begin to write the book…  Be accountable and we can help each other.  Say it outloud and write it on this page so we can help each other follow through.

What is the one thing you are committed to doing TODAY? What is your big enough “Why”?  I look forward to hearing your successes.

2 thoughts on “How vs. Do

  1. I acted on a commitment this week. I started my business plan, thought of a business name and sent the information to my mentor.

    I’ve had the project on a back burner for a while due to wallowing in self pity (because of personal circumstances). But I recently made the decision to pick myself up and press forward with my life, there is nothing I can change about the particular problem that has been bothering me for 2 years, its a situation that I just have to accept instead of wasting time and effort on a lost battle.

    I need to maintain the momentum and keep moving forward, something viable will be born out of the process even if it is totally different from my original starting point.

    • Our emotions are affected by motion! You have taken a big step in not only your future, but additionally your emotional state. Since we can be affected by our self talk, the way we focus on things and how we focus on them, we can get “stuck”. You have pressed past some of your barriers which is to be commended.

      What are the tasks you plan to complete by this Friday? Are they tied to an overall goal or 5 year plan?

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